Key Updates: EU-Traces Certificates | | This newsletter contains important information regarding the issuance of EU-Traces Certificates of Inspection (EU-COI), which are mandatory for all organic imports into the EU, EEA, Switzerland, and Northern Ireland. Kindly read the following details carefully and share them with all relevant colleagues within your organization who are involved in organic exports or the EU-COI process. Please take note, as this will directly impact your EU-COI issuance procedure. | | This communication serves as a follow-up to the newsletter sent on Monday, 29 July 2024. | | For every application for an official EU-COI, exporters will be required to provide the following details: | | - 1. Current Stock of Organic Product(s) in warehouse/storage area: Indicate the current stock of Organic product(s)-Total net weight in kg
- 2. Total Net Weight of Sales made since the last EU-export: All sale of Organic product(s) since the last EU -export
| | Please ensure that you follow these guidelines for every product mentioned in your application form: | | - Column 1: Product name (the product for which the COI is being applied).
- Column 2: Current stock must indicate the Organic quantity present in the warehouse on the date COI was applied. Kindly note, the current stock must include the organic quantity of the applied COI because in our point of view the shipment has not left, the quantity is still with the Exporter.
- Column 3: Total Net weight (in kg) of all organic sale since the last EU-COI. This can include products sold without a TC/NTC, NOP-CERES, EU-CERES, NOP-IC, GB COI, or sales as samples, gifts, losses, or damaged goods. NOTE- It is not the total Net sale quantity of EU COIs.
| | For first-time COI applications, please explain the net weight of all sales made since the last EU-COI application. For example: | | • Total net weight of all sales since last EU-export: 7,000.00 kg o COI No. xxx: 300.00 kg (NTC, NOP-CERES, EU-CERES, NOP-IC, GB COI) o COI applied but not issued (Invoice No.): 5,000.00 kg o Sold as conventional: 1,000.00 kg o Sold as sample: 500.00 kg o Sold without NTC/TC: 200.00 kg
| | Please ensure this table is updated in each application form. | | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): | | 1. What to add in case of only importing into the EU? If the exporter sells exclusively into the EU and no organic quantity has been sold without TC, lost, damaged, gifted, or similar, please enter 0 kg in Column 3 and the current stock in Column 2.
2. If multiple EU-COIs are applied on the same day for the same product: In the case of multiple applications for the same product on the same day, fill out this table in only one application form. For the remaining applications, simply reference the initial application (e.g., ticket number or invoice number).
3. Should the quantity of an applied but not yet issued COI be included? Yes, you must include the net weight of all organic product sales for the applied but not issued COI. For example: o Issued COI No. xxx: 300.00 kg sold o COI applied but not issued (Invoice No.): 5,000.00 kg sold o Sold as conventional: 1,000.00 kg o Sold as sample: 500.00 kg
4. If a product was last imported into the EU in 2022 or 2023: Report the sales made in 2024 for the product.
5. For a single raw material and various final products: o In Column 3: Enter the net weight of all sales of the final product for which the COI is applied. o In Column 2: Indicate the stock of the final/export product. If needed, include the stock of the raw material.
6. If total harvested raw material is processed in batches (not at one time): o In Column 3: Enter the net weight of all sales of the final product for which the COI is applied. o In Column 2: Indicate the stock of both the final/export product and the raw material.
Please make sure to adhere to these guidelines for all EU-COI applications to ensure smooth processing.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
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CERES - CERtification of Environmental Standards - GmbH
Nürnberger Straße 11
D-91217 Hersbruck
Tel.: +49 9151 - 966 92 0
Fax: +49 9151 - 966 92 10
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