Stimate partener,
Bio Garantie este mandra sa va aiba in portofoliul de clienti. Apreciem afacerea Dvs. si ne alaturam eforturilor Dvs. pentru a construi impreuna un viitor sustenabil.
Comunitatea bio este intr-o continua crestere iar situatia socio-economica si pandemia au schimbat comportamentul industiriilor si consumatorilor.
Compania noastra, parte a grupului Easy-Cert, a traversat in ultimul an o perioada de rebranding atat la nivel international cat si in Romania, dezvoltand un nou proiect de digitalizare si identitate online.
Ne dorim o crestere a pozitiei website-ului Bio Garantie si de aceea va rugam, daca este posibil, sa ne ajutati in strategia noastra de optimizare, prin mentionarea organismului de certificare BIO GARANTIE si a website-ului nostru: (backlink) in sectiunea dedicata certificarii ecologice de pe site-ul dvs.
Va rugam sa analizati propunerea noastra si sa reveniti catre noi daca aveti intrebari sau sugestii.
Speram in continuare pentru o buna colaboare si va dorim succes in proiectele dvs.!
Cu stima, Bio Garantie
Dear Partner,
Bio Garantie is proud to have you in its customer portfolio. We appreciate your business and join your efforts to build a sustainable future together.
The Organic Community is constantly growing and the socio-economic situation and the pandemic have changed the behavior of industries and consumers.
Our company, part of the Easy-Cert group, has been going through a rebranding period in the last year, both internationally and in Romania, developing a new project of digitalization and online identity.
We want to increase the position of the Bio Garantie website and therefore, if possible, please help us in our optimization strategy by mentioning the certification body Bio Garantie and our website: (backlink) in the section dedicated to organic certification on your website.
Please review our proposal and come back to us if you have any questions or suggestions.
We hope for a good collaboration and wish you success in your projects!
Sincerely, Bio Garantie