Good day
My name is Nina Ileva and I am the MSC/ASC CoC Program Manager at bio.inspecta/q.inspecta.
As you have already been informed by bio.inspecta newsletter last year (and recently by the MSC) the new MSC and ASC Eligibility Requirements become effective in May 2023. The MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements v 1.0 (MSC LER; effective May 1st, 2023) and the ASC CoC module v 1.0 (with its Food Safety Eligibility Requirements; effective May 30th, 2023) describe in details what are the Eligibility Requirements, their applicability and the ways you can demonstrate your eligibility. As these are Eligibility Requirements, they need to be confirmed before your audit can be scheduled.
To help you confirm if the new Eligibility Requirements are applicable to you or not, as well as to understand the ways you can prove your eligibility, we have created the below two `Eligibility check` charts (first for the additional MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements v 1.0 and second for ASC CoC module v 1.0 food safety Eligibility Requirements).
Please use them to check if and which of the new requirements apply to YOU and what you need to prepare in advance so that your auditor can confirm your eligibility before your upcoming (next) audit can be scheduled. Read the guidance on top and answer all questions starting from Q1. to Q5. with Q3. – Q5. applicable only if you have ASC CoC.
Actions needed from you at your earliest convenience, but not later than scheduling your next CoC audit: Please fill in the Eligibility Information Request based on your results from the `Eligibility check` charts below, and prepare the evidence records required like MSC Self-assessment form v 2.0, certificates etc. (as guided in the Information Request). Keep all the above ready to send to your auditor when requested prior your audit (via auditor`s Audit plan email).
If you are using a non-certified subcontractor that processes, repacks or manually off-loads certified products and you are unsure if they meet the Eligibility Requirements, please contact me directly with details in order to help you clarify this.
Also, in case you are concerned about your eligibility, please contact me directly at your earliest convenience with filled in Eligibility Information Request and details about your concerns. |